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Jul 28, 2020

Tracy Klein, MPH, MA, CCC-SLP, the owner of Ready Set Talk is a Speech-Language Pathology private practice owner who is also certified in Health Coaching. She uses her training to engage with the entire family using a holistic approach. Tune in to how she has created her practice to find her specialty and...

Jul 17, 2020

Erica Krzyzanowski may have started her business during the most crazy year of our lives, but that has not let that stop her.  She has quickly adjusted her home visit business plan to acquire clients via teletherapy for the time being.  Erica is private pay and talks about how she initially researched...

Jul 9, 2020

Sonia Sethi Kohli explains her business model for Global Speech and Swallow and Global Speech Suite in the Chicago, IL area. Sonia services clients from birth to 100 with delays and disorders as well as accent modification clientele. Sonia is the current president of CORSPAN, a professional resource for...